Subtitle & script proofreading is crucial to get your documentary ideas across to the audience, without them focusing on typos.

How can I help?

I have helped businesses, such as universities and translation companies, and individuals to check subtitles and scripts beforehand. As a native-English speaker I have helped them to check the following points:

  • ensure the English sounds natural,
  • no grammar or punctuation errors,
  • that the text matches what the people are saying.

Especially enjoyed helping people who have created documentaries check for errors and ensure they give their audience a good impression.

An example of a TV series

In a moment like this one on the tv show Love is Blind (Japan):

 script and subtitle proofreading

script and subtitle proofreading

It would be a shame for the focus to be on a typo. Or to confuse the readers of subtitles between who is speaking. Imagine a name typo, or special word in Japanese is incorrectly typed (as I research key terms and check consistency of these) or translated.

I don’t need to tell you that small errors make a big audience impact. Yet it’s part of my job to mention that here.

Jumping in at the start of a project I can also find early errors in scripts and subtitles before they are applied to the program and reach a more expensive point to correct. I have also read over subtitles for meaning (once for an Italian detective series that needed English subtitles).

Who is Emma Parfitt?

Emma Parfitt Editing Proofreading

Emma Parfitt is a proofreader with 18 years of writing experience with businesses, academics and creative writers. She obtained a Creative Writing MA (St Andrews University) and a PhD in Storytelling (Warwick University). Then set up her own proofreading business and became a published author of fiction as well as academic literature such as Young People, Learning & Storytelling (Palgrave Macmillan).

Get in touch for all script and subtitle proofreading services here!

Emma Parfitt

Proofreader for business and academic documents, translations, and English writing.


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