I offer three general categories of services as below.

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"Now after I have passed my viva, I'm pleased to write my review of the service I received from Emma. I'm totally satisfied with all work has been delivered, my PhD thesis has been significantly improved, her comments helped me totally improve my thesis, and encouraged me to do some research to increase the clarity of some points. I have successfully passed my viva with very minor corrections. Emma provides not only proofreading service, it's also about the quality, consistency, and perfection. I'd highly recommend Emma's service for anyone seeks perfection of the work."
proofreader Glasgow university
Rami Zaatari
University of Glasgow
"Emma has helped transform the messages of my PhD thesis through her proof reading and copy editing. Working with Emma has been one of the best professional decisions I have made. Her assistance has been fantastic, very highly recommended, Ronan Smyth"
Ronan Smyth academic researcher
Ronan Smyth
Research Analyst at National Audit Office of UK
"I would recommend Emma, who did a really good job, and I really appreciate her assistance. I have recommended her to my Chinese friends and other PhD colleagues as well. I am sure I will definitely find her again for proofreading because I will work in a research centre in the future."
Peiqi Deng Sociologist
Peiqi Deng
University of Warwick