#Must-get Monday post

This week I am participating in #Must-get Monday in collaboration with blogger Christian Fiction Girl.

As Christian Fiction Girl mentioned non-fiction in her last blog (#110), in the form of Raising Healthy Teenagers I will also suggest a non-fiction book. This isn’t a recent one, but is interesting for those wanting to know about British culture.

Watching the English by Kate Fox

watching the English

About the book

This is a book for anyone interested in understanding the peculiarities of British Culture and who is interested in sociology. Though, it is heavily England focused (and for our international reader that means Wales, Ireland and Scotland don’t feature much). Perhaps that means there is a market for Watching the Scottish! Fox provides an insight into why the English are reserved, choices of dress, habits which indicate social class, etc. Parts are so good you may find yourself reading parts out to your friends. Other parts are a bit slower, but it’s an easy book to read and dip into when the mood strikes. It’s basically a book to better understand the behavour of others, which cannot be a bad thing as once you understand the intricacies of the British you can negotiate relationships better.

Buy it here on Amazon.


  • sensitive and humourous writing
  • accurate cultural insight
  • an insight into English cultural reserve

A fun little game you can play with your English friends to find out what words they use for what items in the house (which may indicate how social class and culture is changing).

What book are you most interested in reading currently?

About Emma

As an introvert haunting the corners of storytelling festivals, it’s incredibly difficult to track Emma down. She’s best known for writing Scottish fiction about working-class women and communities and their misrepresented lives. You can find her recent book about the friendship between a Christian woman and a non-Christian (A Friendship of Thistles) here.


Emma Parfitt

Proofreader for business and academic documents, translations, and English writing.


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