breaking up with grammarly

I have just canceled my subscription to Grammarly’s writing tool, and after having sent a ranty email to Grammarly’s PR rep I thought it would be helpful to share my criticism of the service.

If you listen to its fans you would think Grammarly is the best grammar-checking tool on the market according to itself, and websites like The Digital Reader. This online service scans your work as you are typing, pointing out what it thinks are errors.

I have a different opinion.

Read the rest of Nate Hoffelder’s article here.

If you’re rather hire a proofreader, check this out.

Who is Emma Parfitt?

Emma Parfitt Editing Proofreading

Emma Parfitt is a proofreader with 18 years of writing experience with businesses, academics and creative writers. She obtained a Creative Writing MA (St Andrews University) and a PhD in Storytelling (Warwick University). Then set up her own proofreading business and became a published author of fiction as well as academic literature such as Young People, Learning & Storytelling (Palgrave Macmillan).

Get in touch for all proofreading services here!

Emma Parfitt

Proofreader for business and academic documents, translations, and English writing.


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