glass grinder

As I browsed eBay Inc. for glass grinding equipment (an insight into one of my hobbies there)… I found written product description that made little sense. I feel very sorry for the business customers that have to slog through this text to use their grinding equipment.

So it’s Emma Vs Grammarly time!

Here’s the text edited by Grammarly (1) and me (2):

(1) Grammarly picked up the same incorrect verb usages, missing articles and some (but not all of the incorrect document spacing). Plus, it introduced an error of its own by suggesting usement should be changed to basement.

software proofreading

(2) Emma produced a perfectly readable document for business customers.

proofreading sample

The result? After a Grammarly check the document still doesn’t make any sense, it is badly written. Another win for Emma.

Please contact me for any business documents, customer product information, reports, website material. I’ll be happy to help your business improve its documents.


Emma Parfitt

Proofreader for business and academic documents, translations, and English writing.


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