I love writing
I started proofreading and editing theses when I finished my first postdoc. The reason? I have always loved writing. Hearing about friends’ awful experiences with unqualified proof-readers (not all are unqualified) I knew I could help. Imagine a master’s student trying to proofread a thesis of 90,000 words when they are more used to shorter documents. You can see why issues arise. Plus there is a big leap from a MA to a PhD.
A lack of qualified proofreaders
What I felt was needed, were targeted PhD editing services by someone who has gone through a proof read and edit of their own work. A doctor, like me, who has read, researched and written a 90,000 word PhD. Who understands the thesis format and how to proof read a thesis. And who also understands the pressure you are under during those final months.
I had the qualifications
Therefore (oh and check out this article on ‘therefore grammar’), I realised that my time spent as an MA creative writer, working in the business world and returning to university provided a grounded perspective. A view point from which I could aid people finish their thesis, and to the best possible quality. I know what words to cut from your writing to make it read well and be more concise. Also, I understand academic writing having, since 2017, proof-read social science theses. Contact me if you would like to know if I have experience in your area (as I also have experience with business, economics and biology, for instance, as well as sociology and politics).
Consistent recommendations
My proofreading portfolio consists of my clients who have consistently given five-star reviews. Even better, they then recommend me to others. I have helped many people learn how to structure their work, I have assisted writers with dyslexia, for example, to polish their prose. Grateful to have read many wonderful theses for my thesis copy editing service, I would not change my job. Formatting confusion? Not a problem!
A proofreader you can trust
So if you are looking for proofreading and editing services at an advanced, or even a typo level, please get in touch.
Who is Emma Parfitt?
Emma Parfitt is a proofreader with +20 years of writing experience with businesses, academics and creative writers. She obtained a Creative Writing MA (St Andrews University) and a PhD in Storytelling (Warwick University). Then set up her own proofreading business and became a published author of fiction as well as academic literature such as Young People, Learning & Storytelling (Palgrave Macmillan).

Warning! Keyword dump: PhD editing services, Phd proofreaders, Proof read and edit, Proof read thesis, Proof reading and copy editing, Proof reading documents, Proofreading by PhD, thesis editing service, thesis copy editing service, thesis proof-reading, writing editing service, writing editing proofreading services, writing and editing in English, thesis copy editing.